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Psychic Journeys


There is another dimension outside our physical reality. Known as the Quantum Field or universal consciousness, this is the level of pure Spirit, or source energy. Your soul resides in this Spirit realm, an invisible yet powerful arena where deep healing transpires. Accessing the Spirit world through psychic and intuitive tunings may provide answers to many of life’s mysteries.

Through my training as a metaphysical practitioner, contacting spiritual guides, angels and loved ones has been evidential. Time and time again, I have discovered truth in these encounters. The Spirit world is my gridiron, an open stadium where magic happens.

Clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience and claircognizance are activated in a light trance state, bringing forth important messages for you. These tools allow me to access information outside the physical plane, enabling your soul expression to unfold in the subtle, invisible Spirit realm. You will leave the reading space with a new awareness of your soul’s journey moving forward along your path.

Working from the soul’s perspective encourages healing on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Using aspects of my intuition to collaborate with your soul’s own intelligence, we can navigate areas of your energy field that may be blocked. We visit your past lives, unearthing messages about how they relate to this lifetime. The information gathered from a psychic reading is vast and all encompassing.

Your Soul

Your soul is the infinite, eternal aspect of your entire being. Created from the Godspark that you were born with, your soul is expansive and all knowing. Your soul is your divinity, your connection to Source, or God.

Known as your higher self, your soul has its own unique Divine blueprint, which is cast every time you incarnate into physical form. Information stored at the soul level provides key insights into how your physical life will unfold. Completely pure, you soul can never be taken away from you or separated from its Divine origin.

Your soul’s agenda is pre-determined by many lifetimes. This means your ongoing, spiritual growth may shape some of your life’s struggles and challenges. Shifts in consciousness may have germinated in a previous lifetime. Thus, your experiences affirm how your path of spiritual enlightenment is unfolding from one lifetime to another.

What Draws You Here?

Are you curious about why patterns repeat in your life? You may have a sense that you are not in alignment with your higher self, your Divinity. You feel a deep calling to some other avenue or relationship, but do not know how to get there. You seek clarity around a concern in your life, such as your career or a certain relationship.

Whatever the reason, Spirit has guided you to me. My readings are fun, providing valuable information about your life. They are NOT predictive, nor will they forecast any unforeseen events in your life.

A Safe Container

My reading space provides a safe container for you to explore your soul's journey. I have a designated area in my home where we will be uninterrupted or disturbed. It is blessed, a sacred magnum to house these readings. Facing an enormous mountain range in Santa Fe, the room is filled with crystals, candles, and feathers. Divine energy will surround and bless your reading.

Components of a Psychic Reading

I will begin your soul communication with a rose reading. The rose symbolizes your energy in the now, this moment. When I bring your rose up on to my reading screen, I will see its color, shape, and vibrancy. I will take note of whether it is a new rose, partially open or in full bloom. I will look at its leaves, stem and roots. All these rose parts provide information about where you are on your life's path.

During your rose reading, I will also "see" your own, personal gold sun. Your gold sun represents whether you are on your path. Sometimes it leans to one side or the other, and we will investigate how to get you right back in the middle of your life journey.

Past Lives

After reading your rose, I will “look” at your past lives. In this part of your reading, we will access at least two past lives, which will first appear as gold rings on your rose’s stem.

When I place my attention to each of them separately, the past life will materialize into a pictural story, unfolding graciously while images and messages show up on my reading screen.

The past lives do not necessarily appear chronologically. An older past life might call my attention before a more recent one. It is obvious by the glow and sheen on the gold ring which one wants to be looked at first.

You may be surprised by the information provided in a past life reading. Perhaps you were a different gender than you are in this lifetime. Your life may have been much easier or more difficult than your current lifetime. You may find yourself living in a country you have never visited but hope to someday.

In addition to discovering how you lived in another lifetime, you will receive a message from your past life that relates to this lifetime. These communications are extremely beneficial to what you are here to learn, now.

The Seven Layers of the Aura

Outside your physical body exists an energy field, known as the aura. The aura contains valuable information that relates to your personal energy system, the chakras. Your entire emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspects rely on a healthy aura and its correspondence to the chakras.

The auric reading is divided into seven parts. Each piece correlates to one of your seven chakras. The information that comes forth clarifies where your energy is flowing, how you use this energy in your life, and where any blockages might exist.

The full psychic reading takes about an hour and a half. I will ask you to keep your feet on the ground with your eyes open. Note taking is encouraged as you will undoubtedly reread the information numerous times and garner new spiritual nuggets with fresh eyes.

Guides and Angels

When asked to be present, your guides and angels will often show up in your reading. They are willing and eager to help with any life issues you are facing. Once you meet them, they will bring unlimited support to your life situations. Sometimes a loved one who has crossed to the Spirit world will manifest for you, affirming the existence of life after death.

Questions and Answers

Your psychic reading generates a tremendous amount of information. Sometimes additional questions might arise. If this happens, rest assured I will dive deeper into the spiritual realm, uncovering the missing pieces that complete the reading. We will do this piece together in person or on the phone. You will leave the reading space feeling peaceful, with a new awareness of your soul’s intelligence.