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The Bahamas Humane Society was founded in 1968 to provide safe harbour for the island’s homeless and abused animals. We are the only animal welfare organization on the island, which encompasses 530 square miles and has the Bahamas largest urban area (Nassaua).The island’s human population is over 50,000.
We are a private, non-profit charitable organization governed by an active and energetic Board of Directors. We receive no financial support from Government.
The Bahamas Humane Society is committed to alleviating animal over-population and suffering on our island. Thanks to our intensive Spay/Neuter projects, Distemper Vaccination Campaign, “Operation Puppy Lift”, and ongoing education efforts, we are making a visible difference. Though we are not yet able to save every one of the over 1,400 animals we take in annually, in the last three years we have reduced our euthanasia rate by over 25%. We look forward to a day in the near future when the only animals euthanized are those too sick or injured to be treated.
Please take a few minutes to browse through our website and learn more about us and our beloved potcakes and potcats!